Brand new track was released by Ne-Yo, well not actually new because it is a remake of Kelly Rowland's "Motivation" with a brand new title "She Uses Me (Masturbation)" which is kind of explicit.
These She Uses Me Lyrics will be updated without any notifications. She Uses Me video recorded by Ne-Yo is located above.
she fresh up out the shower
'bout to go to bed
she been calling her man for hours
and he ain't picking up his phone
and soon the other night she's all alone
she wished she had someone to put it on
but she don't so she gon' let me put her rivers on
she rubbing lotion on her body
pretending that her hands are mine
touching herself how she want me to touch her
i'm not a star in her mind i'm her lover
she close her eyes
she can't stop it no
she hypnotised
my music playing in the background
she's almost there yeah yeah yeah
she turns it up
she lets my voice get her there
she use me as part of her masturbation
she hear my song and she can't stop her legs from shaking
woah woah ah ah yeah yeah
she pictures herself naked
on her knees i'm behind her
ooh and she can barely take it
specially when i go deep
so deep
for a minute she swear i'm there and she can feel me
feel me
she opens up her eyes
gotta start to get rubbing lotion on her body
touching herself how she want me to touch her
i'm not a star in her mind i'm her lover
she close her eyes
she can't stop it no
she hypnotised
my music playing in the background
she's almost there yeah yeah yeah
she turns it up
she lets my voice get her there
she use me as part of her masturbation
hear my song and her legs just won't stop shaking
yeah yeah
As you notice, we don't have the full precise Ne-Yo - She Uses Me Lyrics. But if you happen to have some parts or maybe the full lyrics, please put it on the comment below or submit the lyrics directly. You can also suggest songs that are not in this blog yet.

Song Information:
Title: She Uses Me (Masturbation)
Artist: Ne-Yo
Length: 3:12
Type: Full remix
Album: N/A
Genre: RnB
Producer: N/A
Featured Artists: N/A
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