Jason Derulo - Change The World Lyrics
Change The World is a song performed by Jason Derulo. Change The World is a music track that is included in Jason Derulo's upcoming self-titled album which will be released on March 2, 2010.
Change The World Audio Video by Jason Derulo
Change The World Lyrics by Jason Derulo
Here is the full lyrics and chorus for Change The World lyrics by Jason Derulo. Enjoy listening and please report any broken video or wrong lyrics by commenting below.
[Verse 1]
With your eyes, with your lips
With your thighs, with your hips
The way you change me
Girl this might come in handy
Ah, with your smile, with your walk
Girl I pause when you talk
You make me peaceful
The rest of world may need you
Look how you got me goin'
Time with you is golden
You can save world from foldin', no
Look how you get me higher
You hold the world's desires
For truth and all the liars
You could change the world
(You could change the)
(You could change the world)
(I could change the world)
You could change the world
(You could change the)
(You could change the world)
(I could change the world)
You could change the world
[Verse 2]
With your words now I see
How the greatness in me
You make me better
Every kiss from you I treasure
If every man have you
All the wars would be through
They'll get like I get
On the streets they'll be no riot
Look how you got me goin'
Time with you is golden
You can save world from foldin', no
Look how you get me higher
You hold the world's desires
For truth and all the liars
You could change the world
(You could change the)
(You could change the world)
(I could change the world)
You could change the world
(You could change the)
(You could change the world)
(I could change the world)
You could change the world
Full Lyrics by: Windsor S.
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