2 Pistols Ft. Jason Derulo - Redonkulous Lyrics
Redonkulous is a song performed by American rapper 2 Pistols feat. Jason Derulo. Redonkulous is a music track that is included in 2 Pistols' upcoming album entitled "Arrogant". Check out the auto tuned voice of Jason Derulo on the chorus.
Redonkulous Audio Video by 2 Pistols feat. Jason Derulo
Redonkulous Lyrics by 2 Pistols feat. Jason Derulo
The music track is still new so the full lyrics is not yet available. Just stay tuned as the lyrics will be updated without any notification. In the meantime, here's the chorus for Redonkulous by 2 Pistols feat. Jason Derulo.
It's so redonkulous
Her back is so redonkulous
Her momma could've own it is
Her back is so redonkulous
How did she get this
Her back is so (3x)
So addicted
Bottoms got an apple in it
Wanna feel it
Bottoms got an apple in it
So addicted
Bottoms got an apple in it
Wanna feel it
Bottoms got an apple in it
If you know some parts or the full lyrics of this song, please put it on the comment below or submit the lyrics directly. You can also suggest songs that are not in this blog yet.

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