Superman Socks Lyrics - Nice Peter Superman Socks Lyrics - Nice Peter

Superman Socks Lyrics - Nice Peter

Superman Socks Lyrics

This is a song by a youtube blogger named "Nice Peter". He's quite famous now because of this song so you better check and subscribe to him.

These Superman Socks Lyrics will be updated without any notifications. Superman Socks video recorded by Nice Peter is located above.

I was just hanging out at the beach with my lady
I swear we weren’t making out
She was just ling on top of me
All of a sudden two dudes showed up, out of no-where
They started to make street music (street music) about me.

What could I do?
About these two?
I strapped on my blue socks
Flyin high in my Superman Socks
Flyin high in my Superman Socks
(blue socks on my douche feet)

I caught up with them later
I tried to explain myself
I told them I’m a film maker too
I told them that this isn’t cool

We started to argue
I could tell that something was wrong
That’s when I noticed the other dude with the curly hair in the background
The camera was still turned on, yah.

I got upset
I made a threat
I showed them my blue socks
(come on)
Flyin high in my Superman Socks
Flyin high in my Superman Socks
Flyin high in my Superman Purse
(this is where I put my socks bztch)
Flyin high in my Superman Socks

We go
Bounce bounce jiggle bounce
Bounce bounce jiggle bounce
Bounce bounce jiggle bounce
Bounce bounce jiggle bounce
Bounce bounce jiggle bounce
Bounce jiggle bounce bounce
Bounce bounce jiggle bounce
Bounce bounce jiggle bounce
Bounce bounce jiggle bounce
Bounce jiggle bounce bounce

Flyin high in my Superman Socks
Flyin high in my Superman Socks
Flyin high in my Superman Socks
(blue socks on my douche feet)
(blue socks on my douche feet)
(blue socks on my douche feet)
(blue socks on my douche feet)
(blue socks on my douche feet)

You can comment or submit the Superman Socks Lyrics - Nice Peter if you have any corrections, and we will make sure to update it within 24 hours. You can also suggest songs that are not in this blog yet.

Song Information
Title: Superman Socks
Artist: Nice Peter
Length: 3:58
Type: Full + Music Video
Album: N/A
Genre: Alternative
Producer: N/A
Featured Artists: N/A

Related Lyrics:

Nice Peter

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