Keke Palmer - Shut Up Stop Lying Lyrics Keke Palmer - Shut Up Stop Lying Lyrics

Keke Palmer - Shut Up Stop Lying Lyrics

Shut Up Stop Lying Lyrics - Keke Palmer

A new song recorded by female singer, Keke Palmer which was leaked by an unknown person over the internet. She also addresses her concerns about the leaks and her trying to write better songs for her fans.

These Shut Up Stop Lying Lyrics will be updated without any notifications. Shut Up Stop Lying video recorded by Keke Palmer is located above.

Excuses, I don't want to hear no more.
Cause they've been said over a million times.
And you're not original at all.
This is make believe.
Smoke and mirrors call it Cris Angel.
You pretend that you were the one.
Now I can separate from you I'm done.
Nothing you can say at all because.

It's been too long. Time to move on.
You think Im dumb and I dont know.
So tell the truth. Bout her and you.
You ran out of luck and this good

Thought you had all the time in the world
But you don't , you don't.
Sayin that you love me boy
You don't , you don't
I -- I -- I don't wanna hear it so
Shut up, stop lying
I -- I -- I don't wanna hear it so
Shut up, stop lying

Now you stumbling, st-studdering
All over your words
Before you left with her
Boy you should've rehearsed
I know you don't mean anything that you're sayin right now
So please save the lies coming out of your mouth
(Are you sorry?) Can you get another chance?
(Wait let me think about it?) No never again
Because the last time, you said that the last time
And this is the last time. You're not gonna hurt me again

It's been too long. Time to move on.
You think Im dumb and I dont know.
So tell the truth. Bout her and you.
You ran out of luck and this good

Thought you had all the time in the world
But you don't , you don't.
Sayin that you love me boy
You don't , you don't
I -- I -- I don't wanna hear it so
Shut up, stop lying
I -- I -- I don't wanna hear it so
Shut up, stop lying

You're a liar, cheater, deciever, heartbreaker.
I won't let you back in my life, not making.
The same mistake I made before.
Letting you back in my door.
Hoping one day you change.
And it wont be this way.
There's nothing left to talk about.
I don't wanna hear no more.
I can do better without.
You thats what I'm doing now.
So you can keep your apologies.
Cause it's not working on me.

Thought you had all the time in the world
But you don't , you don't.
Sayin that you love me boy
You don't , you don't
I -- I -- I don't wanna hear it so
Shut up, stop lying
I -- I -- I don't wanna hear it so
Shut up, stop lying

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Song Information
Title: Shut Up Stop Lying
Artist: Keke Palmer
Length: 4:02
Type: Full
Album: N/A
Genre: RnB
Producer: C4
Featured Artists: N/A

Related Lyrics:

Keke Palmer

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