Toot It And Boot It Lyrics - YG
This song was released over a year ago but then YG had some radio visits and the song got popular.
These YG - Toot It And Boot It Lyrics will be updated without any notifications. Toot It And Boot It video recorded by YG is located above.
[Chorus - YG]
I met her in the club
then I said wassup
I took her to the crib
and you know I fucked
yea toot it and boot it
toot it and boot it
toot it and boot it
thats why I toot and boot it
woh oh (4x)
[Verse 1]
She think im cute, she wanna have Sex
girl knock it off you know you cant have this
and she told me run that, i told her run it
and she never seen a chick until she met my magic stick
yo im a pimp bitch straight game never no sippin
And after we did it she was walking with a limp
bust it open leave it wet you know i leave it soakin
who next I don't ever close, I stay open
[Chorus - YG]
I met her in the club
then I said wassup
I took her to the crib
and you know I fucked
yea toot it and boot it
toot it and boot it
toot it and boot it
thats why I toot and boot it
woh oh (4x)
[Verse 2]
girl let me toot that boot that stop actin stupid
acting like you dont know me like who that
walked in the club but ill fly things
im in the back girl you know where to find me
and I love how she think im cute
and she dont even wanna tell me what she wanna do
its me and my crew her and her friends
and they all trying to leave with us when the club ends
and she toot it from the back and you know she made it clap
and you know I run it back like
only for one night and she know im on like a switch on light
hey girl I can have you feelin right
I can supply the pipe
just make sure its tight
we can do it all day only for one night
and after that you gotta go
[Chorus - YG]
I met her in the club
then I said wassup
I took her to the crib
and you know I fucked
yea toot it and boot it
toot it and boot it
toot it and boot it
thats why I toot and boot it
woh oh (4x)
[Verse 3]
i toot it to the left i toot it to the right
fuck with me we gonna do it all night
i seen a bad bitch i swing my hat back
and after i hit its on my back
cuz i toot it and boot it, and made her feel stupid (2x)
[Chorus - YG]
I met her in the club
then I said wassup
I took her to the crib
and you know I fucked
yea toot it and boot it
toot it and boot it
toot it and boot it
thats why I toot and boot it
woh oh (4x)
yeah, yeah
As you notice, we don't have the full precise lyrics for this song. But if you happen to have some parts or maybe the full lyrics, please put it on the comment below or submit "Toot It And Boot It" lyrics directly. You can also suggest songs that are not in this blog yet.

YAAAAH Hella Suuuuuck BITCH