Soundsick - Lego Lyrics Soundsick - Lego Lyrics

Soundsick - Lego Lyrics

Lego Video & Lyrics by Soundsick

Hot new R&B song from Soundsick!

Stay tuned as Soundsick - Lego Lyrics will be updated without any notifications. Lego video recorded by Soundsick is located above.

[Chorus from]
soon as i hit the door / (lego)
rockin designer clothes / (lego)
where ever the money goes / (lego)
Soon as I hit the door / (lego)
she all up on me/ (lego)
i'm all up behind her / (lego)
say that she a freak / (lego)
shawty gon n Wonder / (lego)
i know you aint No freak / (lego)
oh well let find me out / (Lego)
you comin home wit me / (lego)

If you know some parts or the full lyrics of this song, please put it on the comment below or submit the lyrics directly. You can also suggest songs that are not in this blog yet.

Related Lyrics:

1 comment:

  1. chorus}
    soon as i hit the door / (lego)
    rockin designer clothes / (lego)
    where ever the money goes / (lego)
    Soon as I hit the door / (lego)
    she all up on me/ (lego)
    i'm all up behind her / (lego)
    say that she a freak / (lego)
    shawty gon n Wonder / (lego)
    i know you aint No freak / (lego)
    oh well let find me out / (Lego)
    you comin home wit me / (lego)
