Break Up Song Video & Lyrics by Wale
New rap song from Wale about the heartaches of breakups.
Stay tuned as Wale - Break Up Song Lyrics will be updated without any notification. Break Up Song chorus lyrics by Wale is posted at the moment. Please correct the chorus if it is wrong by commenting below.
[Verse 1]
See, breaking up it's hard to move along it's even harder
It's over she got colder now can't locate where her heart is
And I'm just being honest, since we not even talking
My mind won't let you go
She even consider stalking I
You know I be teasin' no
You know that my ego won't
Thought this was forever love
Guess I was a season no
She got back with her old boy
She's probably had a reason though
Although thought that we would grow
Guess I was unfeasable
But we ain't gonna be be for no
I miss you at my recent show
Speak this (?) off (?)
Sometimes I just wanna speak you up
Yeah, hit you up, or call you up, or send a text
Your new man got my respect
So if I do call it's just a check
Her that should I I go
My nigga for life though
It's finnaly had this life go
We love for a while then a light goes
Took me a while just to write those
(?) had a fight so I'mma stop right here
And I know you don't care
But I hope you got that bite boo
[verse 2]
Yea tell me bout the love of ours
contemplate I wrote about it
we no longer close or nuttin thats why she ignore my flowers
and my call and my text spendin her time wit him I guess
I regret some sh-t I did but darling is yall intimate
who was better I know I was
dont you lie dont blow my buzz
you ask me who I'm strokin now I said that the pool was closed
Can we stay broken up
and all these pages close em up
I hope we both do learn from this so my next dont dont gotta be so rough
Gotta get better wit time relationships should never rewind
better leave it all behind
guess that means you'll never be mine well ummm theres a but
without your love it's cold as f-uck
life is a movie we both say cut but most the time man the sequal sucks
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