Gucci Mane - Adios Amigos Lyrics Ft. Rocko Gucci Mane - Adios Amigos Lyrics Ft. Rocko

Gucci Mane - Adios Amigos Lyrics Ft. Rocko

Adios Amigos Video & Lyrics by Gucci Mane Ft. Rocko

Hot new hiphop track from Gucci Mane off his upcoming "Burrprint 2" mixtape

Stay tuned as Gucci Mane - Adios Amigos Lyrics will be updated without any notification. Adios Amigos chorus lyrics by Gucci Mane is posted at the moment. Please correct the chorus if it is wrong by commenting below.

My life la vida loca
Your girl from Puerto Rico
She took a look at me
And she said Adios amigo

My vato brought them kilos
How much I told em mucho
He drop off;
I said gracias and Adios amigos

I just got bac from Cuba
Where everythin' is legal
Ten thousand pounds of guido
then said adios amigos

Most of my hoe bisexual
But my connect bilingual
Everytime I cash out
He says adios amigos

Turn me up a little
Just a little more
Your girlfriend sniffed a kilo
gotchu sayin what a lil whore

damn she muy benito
i luv her more than guido
she got wit me
then call yu and say adios amigo

mi casa is su casa
but not really she can gizzzooo
and she dont gotta go home
gotta git away from me tho
and if you wanna beef
ill wrap you up like a burrito
now me strate out your taco
aks rocko thats ma vato

my new girlfrend a knockout
she luv to call me papa
put gucci on her tatas
her mouth wetter than aqua

Lyrics submitted by: miko

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1 comment:

  1. My life la vida loca
    Your girl from Puerto Rico
    She took a look at me
    And she said Adios amigo

    My vato brought them kilos
    How much I told em mucho
    He drop off;
    I said gracias and Adios amigos

    I just got bac from Cuba
    Where everythin' is legal
    Ten thousand pounds of guido
    then said adios amigos

    Most of my hoe bisexual
    But my connect bilingual
    Everytime I cash out
    He says adios amigos

    Turn me up a little
    Just a little more
    Your girlfriend sniffed a kilo
    gotchu sayin what a lil whore

    damn she muy benito
    i luv her more than guido
    she got wit me
    then call yu and say adios amigo

    mi casa is su casa
    but not really she can gizzzooo
    and she dont gotta go home
    gotta git away from me tho
    and if you wanna beef
    ill wrap you up like a burrito
    now me strate out your taco
    aks rocko thats ma vato

    my new girlfrend a knockout
    she luv to call me papa
    put gucci on her tatas
    her mouth wetter than aqua
