Move On Video & Lyrics by Bruno Mars
Hot new slow RnB song from Bruno Mars!
Stay tuned as Bruno Mars - Move On Lyrics will be updated without any notification. Move On chorus lyrics by Bruno Mars is posted at the moment. Please correct the chorus if it is wrong by commenting below.
[Verse 1]
How do I end up in the same old place
Faced again with the same mistakes
So stubborn, thinking I know what is right
But life proves me wrong everytime
Taking roads that lead me nowhere
How do I expect to get there
But when will I learn to just put you first
I come to you now when I need you
But why do I wait to come see you
I always try to do this on my own, but I was wrong
'Cause only with you can I move on, can I move on
[Verse 2]
When I am weak, it's you that makes me strong
And I know that you've been with me all along
So many times I forget to close my eyes
And listen to my heart
With you life is so easy
Why do I make it hard
Taking roads that lead me nowhere
How do I expect to get there
But when will I learn to just put you first
I, I come to you now when I need you
But why do I wait to come see you
I always try to do this on my own, but I was wrong
'Cause only with you can I move on
I'll get out of my own way,
Let you have your way
Cause I realized I'm no good on my own
I'm there for you, I'll serve for you
I can't live without you
I come to you now when I need you
But why do I wait to come see you
I always try to do this on my own, but I was wrong
I was wrong, I was wrong
With only you, only you, with only you
Can I move on, can I move on
Can I move on
If you know some parts or the full lyrics of this song, please put it on the comment below or submit the lyrics directly. You can also suggest songs that are not in this blog yet.

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