Bishop Lamont Ft. John Mayer - Gone Video
New song from rapper Bishop Lamont featuring John Mayer singing the chorus. This is off Bishop's upcoming album "The Reformation".
Bishop Lamont Ft. John Mayer - Gone Lyrics
Stay tuned as Bishop Lamont - Gone will be updated without any notification. Gone lyrics chorus by Bishop Lamont Ft. John Mayer is posted at the moment.
[Chorus - John Mayer]
Girl, I'm sorry that I went away
For forever and another day
But I'm back gettin' ready to find
And for time I'll take another route
[Verse 1 - Bishop Lamont]
im the begining you felt like we had it all figured out
u thought that not me i was on another route
i thought we was just kool u thought we was great
to me you was the home girl
u was thinkin soul mate
it went from bein good fun
to me being the one that starts argunemts all the time
for send me the run
i couldent face that i couldent be that
u told me u loved me i would never say it back
u held me down u helped me keep my life straight
u sacrificed your last dime ever time my bills was late
helped me become a man
but i aint understand
u went and fell in love that wasnt in my plan
couldent live a liecouldent be a man
i was still a boy then couldent fully comprehend
i woulda truely lovedi would truely show it
took us some time apart but finally i know it
[Chorus - John Mayer]
Girl, I'm sorry that I went away
For forever and another day
But I'm back gettin' ready to find
And for time I'll take another route
Right route bye (3x)
[Verse 2 - Bishop Lamont]
we've been through so much
too much to remember
drama afterdrama because you listen to your moma
she always in the business
thats when it turned vicious
again another ending
ending up in the abortion clinic
admit it
we know we just wasnt ready
on our car ride home you cried my hands shaked
tryin to keep the wheels steady
rain fallin name callin arguments turned into brawlin
i would never hurt you
u tried to hurt me
u stabbed me with a kitchen knife
like you wanna murder me
ran and dialed 911 said its an emergancy
next thing i know im gettin cuffed by police
back of the squad car how did things get this far
i had to run away it just get worse i stayed
i had no other choice i had to move on
but lookin back i dont know if i was right or wrong
but even though i left our love was never ever gone
[Chorus - John Mayer]
Girl, I'm sorry that I went away
For forever and another day
But I'm back gettin' ready to find
And for time I'll take another route
Right route bye (3x)
I was gone, and now im back again
Now u gotta friend, but he aint nothin girl
(repeat 3x)
I'm gone (4x)
[Chorus - John Mayer]
Girl, I'm sorry that I went away
For forever and another day
But I'm back gettin' ready to find
And for time I'll take another route
Right route bye (3x)
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