Ditch Ya Boyfriend Video & Lyrics by Akon
Hot new R&B song from Akon!
Stay tuned as Akon - Ditch Ya Boyfriend Lyrics will be updated without any notification. Ditch Ya Boyfriend chorus lyrics by Akon is posted at the moment. Please correct the chorus if it is wrong by commenting below.
Hey, hey
You can visit any city, sail onto the pacific
I guarantee you'll never find a G like me
Can ask any killer, cold hearted gorilla
And they'll break it down for you like a whole key
I see you with ya nigga, pretty but lookin' bitter
I can tell that you'd rather be with me
Stop acting like a punk, and go do what you wanna do
Get on over here and tell that nigga 'I ain't scared of you'
Now ditch ya boyfriend, and come get it
If he got a problem come him he tell deal with it
Now ditch ya boyfriend, and come get it
If he got a problem come and deal with it
(repeat all x4)
Lyrics submitted by: Kerry
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