Drake - Fall For Your Type
This song is just a verse from Drake and it will be on Jamie Foxx's upcoming single.
Drake - Fall For Your Type
The music track is still but the full lyrics is already yet available. Just stay tuned as Drake - Fall For Your Type lyrics will be updated if there are any errors. Please read and report if the chorus and lyrics for Fall For Your Type by Drake is wrong.
[Drake - Verse]
Can I, can I save you from you
cause you know there’s something missing
and that champagne you’ve been sippin’s not supposed to make you different all the time
it’s starting to feel like the wrong thing to do yeah
cause with all that recognition it gets hard for you to listen
to the things that I must say to make you mine
have some fun girl, we’ll be fine
trying to convince myself I’ve found one
making a mistake I never learned from
I swear I always fall for your type yeah
for your type
tell me why always fall for your type
for your type
I just can’t explain this sh-t at all
I just can’t explain this sh-t at all
I just can’t explain this sh-t at all
I just can’t explain this sh-t at all
never (?) people like you
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