Pmac - Nothing On Me Ft JVoQalZ Music Video and Lyrics Pmac - Nothing On Me Ft JVoQalZ Music Video and Lyrics

Pmac - Nothing On Me Ft JVoQalZ Music Video and Lyrics

Pmac - Nothing On Me Ft JVoQalZ Music Video and Lyrics

Nothing On Me is a song by Pmac featuring JVoQalZ. Nothing On Me is in fact a cover of B.o.B.'s Nothing On You song. Check out the music video and lyrics below.

Nothing On Me Music Video by Pmac Ft JVoQalZ

Nothing On Me Lyrics by Pmac Ft JVoQalZ

The music track is still new so the full lyrics is not yet available. Just stay tuned as the lyrics will be updated without any notification. In the meantime, here's the chorus for Nothing On Me by Pmac Ft JVoQalZ

Beautiful girl, no need to pretend.
You could keep searchin` but you know it ain't worth it.
He got nothin` on me baby,
Nothin` on me baby.
Treat you like a queen but you already are.
Just call and I'll be there no matter how far,
cause he got nothin` on me baby (noth-noth-nothing on me baby,)
nothin` on me baby, (noth- nothing on me baby.)

now you want a man who treat you right
so when i hold you down and
then stay for the night
and when you're feelin` scared
he'll be there to hold you tight
and tell you everythin` is goin` to be alright
well then why you still put up with him
when i can treat you better than you ever ever been
he never pays attention to the things that you in
well baby i can be the one that give you everythin`
i see you hurtin` it ain't workin`
you way too beautiful to be in pain
and there's no need for searchin` because it ain't worth it
all you gotta do is call my name
and just like that i'll be on my way
i promise to you that i'll love you everday
just let me know that you feel the same, same, same.

Beautiful girl, no need to pretend.
You could keep searchin` but you know it ain't worth it.
He got nothin` on me baby,
Nothin` on me baby.
Treat you like a queen but you already are.
Just call and I'll be there no matter how far,
cause he got nothin` on me baby,
nothin` on me baby,

you, you belong with me
and not the other guy that you often see
i'm thinkin` that you and me might be, such a good thing, it is very likely.
now here's a dumb question,
but do you really want a scrub or do you want a man to show you love?
through the good and bad, i'll be there witchu for all of the above, but wait, just think about it.

you can stay in this relation but one day if he lets you go,
that i'ma just be waitin` for you to make it to my arms, so just let me know.
you don't need to waste it with nothin` on me (?)
you be tryin` to act like he got somethin` on me.
you and me know he got nothin on me, me, me.

Beautiful girl, no need to pretend.
You could keep searchin` but you know it ain't worth it.
He got nothin` on me baby,
Nothin` on me baby.
Treat you like a queen but you already are.
Just call and I'll be there no matter how far,
cause he got nothin` on me baby,
nothin` on me baby,

just give me a chance, and i'll show you my plans,
to be the one for you i'll do the best i can,
don't waste your time, girl you're too fine.
so whether rain or shine, i'ma wait til you're mine.

Beautiful girl, no need to pretend.
You could keep searchin` but you know it ain't worth it.
He got nothin` on me baby,
Nothin` on me baby.
Treat you like a queen but you already are.
Just call and I'll be there no matter how far,
cause he got nothin` on me baby,
nothin` on me baby,

man you know he got nothin` on me, so quit trippin`, quit runinn`, i'm right here. it's pmac and jvoqalz we out.

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    1. omg!!..i love this song..and Pmac is sooo hot!!!..ahah..iloveyou!!<33

    2. Yup. He's got skills plus he's pretty damn fine! ;)
