Janet Jackson - Heartbeat Love Feat Pitbull Lyrics
Heartbeat Love is a song by Janet Jackson featuring Pitbull. Heartbeat Love is a leaked music track that is included in Janet Jackson's upcoming album "Why Did I Get Married Too?" which will be released later this 2010.
Heartbeat Love Audio Video by Janet Jackson featuring Pitbull
Heartbeat Love Lyrics by Janet Jackson featuring Pitbull
The music track is still new so the full lyrics is not yet available. Just stay tuned as the lyrics will be updated without any notification. In the meantime, here's the chorus for
Heartbeat Love by Janet Jackson featuring Pitbull
(My my heartbeat my love is for you) (repeated)
My my oh
My my heart
My my beat
My my my my my my love
My my heart
My my beat
My my my my my my love
My my heart
My my beat
My my my my my my love
My heart
My beat
My my my my my my love
If you have any information about the lyrics of this song or want to share it in here, just put your comment below or submit the lyrics directly. Also, if you know any new songs that are currently not listed in this blog, suggest it .
Permalink: Janet Jackson - Heartbeat Love Feat Pitbull Lyrics

Ima Die >>Hard Janet Fan,but I dont feel it,this song is NOT my Taste.
ReplyDeleteJanet is NOT able to make Good Music anymore. thats why she FLOPS each time=No SUPRISE.lol the good old days with Jimmy and Terry are OVER. So SAD
p.s. this song sounds like a Pitbull track,but NOT like JJ.lol