Chris Brown - Don't Lie
Don't Lie is a song that is performed by American recording artist and actor Chris Brown. Don't Lie is a music track that is included in Chris Brown's latest mixtape "In My Zone" which was released last February 14, 2010. The mixtape was produced by DJ Drama and DJ Sense.
Don't Lie Audio Video by Chris Brown
Don't Lie Lyrics by Chris Brown
The music track is still new so the full lyrics is not yet available. Just stay tuned as the lyrics will be updated without any notification. In the meantime, here's the chorus for Don't Lie by Chris Brown
Let me lie don't lie (3x)
N-ggas don't lie
Let me lie don't lie (2x)
Play what you want what the f-ck but don't lie
Let me lie don't lie (3x)
N-ggas don't lie
Let me lie don't lie (2x)
Play what you want what the f-ck but don't lie
If you have any information about the lyrics of this song or want to share it in here, just put your comment below.

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