Chamillionaire - Main Event Feat. Paul Wall, Slim Thug and Dorrough
Main Event is a song performed by southern rapper Chamillionaire featuring Paul Wall, Slim Thug and Dorrough. Main Event is a music track that is included in Chamillionaire's upcoming third studio album "Venom" which will be released on March 16, 2010.
Main Event Audio Video by Chamillionaire featuring Paul Wall, Slim Thug and Dorrough
Main Event Lyrics by Chamillionaire featuring Paul Wall, Slim Thug and Dorrough
The music track is still new so the lyrics is not yet complete. Just stay tuned as the lyrics will be updated without any notification. In the meantime, just enjoy listening to Main Event by Chamillionaire featuring Paul Wall, Slim Thug and Dorrough. Here's a snippet of the chorus part.
[Chorus - Chamillionaire]
I'm the main event (woah) 2x
Still grindin' in the streets like I am innocent
I'm the main event (woah) 2x
Tryin' to get it like the money that I may be spend
I'm the main event (woah) 2x
Still hustlin' like I know it's time to pay the rent
I'm the main event (woah) 2x
You lookin' for me, you can find me where the money at
If you have any information about the lyrics of this song or want to share it in here, just put your comment below.

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